Have your say!
Let's talk about the future

Hello everybody,
I sent my big story for this week on Monday, so this is going to be a short one. Since the outset I imagined Lights On as more than a series of weekly stories - over time, I want to create a platform for people to interact with each other and with my journalism.
When you work for a big media organisation, you report to your editors and ultimately adhere to the title’s priorities and agenda. With this newsletter I am reporting to you only, and I strive to make content that will be not just useful, but essential to *you*.
In September, I am launching a membership scheme, the first step in this direction: I have many ideas on how to create the best platform for our growing community, but I need your help to do it the way you want. So here’s a short survey (it’s seriously quick - just two minutes) to get an idea of your interests, and what you would like to see as a potential member.
While Lights On is free for now, and will always feature some quality free content, it’s the members that will keep the project going and growing, so I am asking you today to help me create something that will be worth your dollars.
Journalism takes time, effort and know-how.
Here’s a roundup of some of my most successful stories as tweeted by the people who endorsed them, for a flavour of what you’ll be supporting if you decide to become a member:

India needs a smart China policy. "Competition with China is trapping India in what in game theory is known as “the prisoner’s dilemma” - when 2 actors choose to protect themselves at the expense of the other, but end up worse off for it." - @LouDelBello

June 12th 2020
115 Retweets426 Likes

Arvind Ravikumar @arvindpawan1
Important piece about the intersection of poverty, climate change, & the pandemic. Even if a vaccine becomes available, keeping it refrigerated across India to safely administer to a billion+ people is an enormous challenge. h/t @LouDelBello

July 17th 2020
4 Retweets7 Likes

V useful, concise briefing on India energy + climate news to start the week - can highly recommend Lights On briefing - India’s solar own-goal, China coal boom and more by @LouDelBello

June 29th 2020
2 Retweets4 Likes

Inefficient, unreliable & expensive. Why is Modi banking on coal power to rescue India's economy? Good rundown of Delhi's dilemma in @LouDelBello's must-read newsletter

4 Retweets7 Likes
Thank you for taking the survey this week, it means a lot. From Monday, I am resuming the usual schedule so you can expect the news briefing in the morning.
If you’ve been forwarded this newsletter and you’d like to read it every week, you can subscribe below. Tip: if you add my address to your contacts, this email won’t end up in the spam or promotion folder!